Make a Documentary in Blaenau Gwent with It’s My Shout! || Creu Raglan Ddogfen ym Mlaenau Gwent gyda It’s My Shout! You must reside in Blaenau Gwent! Sign up via the link below!
Script submissions for the 2026 It’s My Shout Summer Scheme are open!
We will be looking for unique short stories, that have not been told before!
This is your opportunity to have your idea brought to life, and broadcast on national TV – whether that be BBC or S4C.
What we look for: English Language and Welsh language Scripts
We are very proud that two of our short films each year are made in the Welsh language and we want to progress this each year! If you are a Welsh speaker or even a welsh learner, we really encourage you to submit a script in the Welsh language.
You can submit both an English language and a Welsh language script if you want to.
Characters. We require a minimum of four speaking characters.
We require that your screenplay includes Supporting Artists (Background Actors). Locations in Wales. At It’s My Shout, we aim to celebrate Welsh people, places and traditions. Your script must be based in Wales.
Your script must be between 8-15 pages long. Scripts longer than this will not be considered.
Please do not submit more than 3 scripts maximum.
Mae It’s My Shout yn agor i gyflwyniadau sgript ar gyfer ein cynllun haf 2026!
Rydym ni’n edrych am storiâu byr unigryw, sy heb ei datgelu o’r blaen!
Dyma eich siawns i ddod a’ch syniad i fyw, a chael ei darlledu dros gyfryngau cenedlaethol – naill BBC neu S4C.
Beth ydym yn chwilio am:
Sgript Iaith Saesneg a Iaith Cymraeg
Rydym ni’n llawn balchder wrth greu ffilmiau byr mewn Cymraeg, rhywbeth hoffwn adeiladu ymhellach! Os wyt yn siarad Cymraeg, rydym ni’n pwysleisio i chi gyflwyno sgript mewn yn yr iaith Cymraeg.
Gallwch gyflwyno hyd yn oed un Saesneg a Chymraeg os ydych chi mwyn.
Mae’n benodol bod lleiafrif o bedwar cymeriad sy’n siarad.
Mae’n benodol bod eich darlun sgrin yn cynnwys Artistiaid Cefnogol (Actorion Cefndir).
Lleoliadau yng Nghymru
Yn It’s My Shout, rydym yn aneli i ddathlu pobl, llefydd a thraddodiadau Cymraeg. Mae rhaid i’ch sgript cymryd lle yng Nghymru.
Dyle sgript chi fod rhwng 8 – 15 tudalen hir. Ni fydd sgriptiau hirach yn cael ei dderbyn.
Dim mwy na 3 sgript allwch gyflwyno.
It’s My Shout Awards Night 2023